Saturday, October 30, 2010

20: Bullet

when are writing or making a list you can use the the Bullet to make life easier


It when protect something you will a Borders to protect the thing you have and make it pretty.

18: bibliography

It given information that give the things you got from like pic and other work.

17: Bar chart

It is chart that go with the information that use the bar to make information.

Friday, October 29, 2010

16: Backwardly compatible

The thing is when a programs is not working you could go backward to make the the programs good

15: AutoRecover

When lost a documents that you need really badly there some programs that they need to the get the documents you need.

14: AutoForm

when the programs do all the work and you don't have to anything that the the programs does for you.

13: AutoFit

When it going to put programs with the programs that they need.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


It when a program it auto programs so it work good and fast.


It puting a douments to another douments.


To debate about something that no one care.

9:Application software

It app is that computer software that is designed to help the user to preform singular or multiple related tasks.


someone making picture move or making them talk.

7: Anchor

It could be attached to any devices to protect from getting stolen.


The thing with word art and with things LIKE WITH THE 3D with the differnt colors and changing the dim that could the lights and the colors and The work we had with the color and the other things we did like the sades and the from you want to the word you want.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Lab 2 Common Skills

1: With the tab and alt with the change the program to another program and it just the things to another thing you want to see the work without using the mouse to change the programs if you are lazy.

2:The things that we just is the cut and paste made the things twice of the word and the put the bellets and the font it got more bigger and the with the ctrl c and v the word got bigger and other things happen to it and it was

Friday, October 22, 2010

5: Alignment

A proper adjustment of the components of an electronic circuit, machine

4: ActiveX controls

The control using active X. An active X control can be automatically download and executed by a web browser.

3: Active cell

The intersection of a row and column in a spreadsheet that is currently selected.

2: Absolute cell reference

In the spreed sheet applications a reference to a particular cell group of cells does not change.

1: 3-D pie chart

The 3-D pie chart is that they show work in just 3-D

Thursday, October 7, 2010

39: Execution cycle (E-cycle)

a period of time during which an instruction is executed.

38: DVD

It a circle disc to put anything of in the infromation you want and it could hold a moive and or games.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

37: Dragging

When you take a working and take it to another folder

36: Double-click

The word is when have to clicks the the program that you want have to do it two time.

35:Document file icons

The picture of the work you have in the work and others things and they can have of any kind of picture.

34: Distance learning

The learning is that by using some electronic communication and others things.

Monday, October 4, 2010

28: Desktop shortcuts

it is the program that are in the desktop that you already have.

27: Desktop

The desktop is like in the computer that home.

26: Default

Failure to perfrom a task

25: Database software

collection of related data organized for convenient access

24: Database

That collect things that that you save wild you use the work and don't loss in the computer.

23: Data communications

It a electronic device of information that has encoded digitally.

22: Data

Information that the computer gives to you.

21: Copy

A imitation of the original things.

20: Controller

The there alot that could control

19: Control Panel

The Control panel is a feature of the windows operating system that let the user chance the setting.

18: Contents pane

17: Computer system

A working computer with everything with PC and other things.

16: Computer

the computer is programmable machine.

15: Commands

To give order to the computer.


To tap on a mouse pressing down and then immediately releasing it.

what help me out about the website.

The website has the things that i missed and the work will be there when i need to study for the exam and others things i need to study for. The websites is well done to get the information the video is well to see the PowerPoint work.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

13: Channel

the word mean a transmission path.

12: Central processing unit (CPU)

In a desktop computer, the main (processer) semiconductor chip that perfroms most of the calculation.

11: CD-ROM

This a device that can read information from a cd-rom. The CD-ROM can be either internal.

10: Byte

A unit of storage capable of holding a single character.On the all modren computer,a byte is equal to 8 bits.

9: Boot

The word is to load the first piece of software that starts a computer.

8: Bit

The word means is a basic unit of information in computing and telcommunications.